
Hello lovelies! Please ensure that you have first read and digested the Game Statement (fully - yes - all of it) and the Setting Statement. We advise looking over "The Area" and "Beyond Bath" pages (under Brief) because they detail many IC Kindred situations in nearby and further-afield cities. You may be from one of these.

This is a long form and we recommend you have a backup document somewhere (Microsoft Word, Notepad, GDrive etc.) where you start typing your answers out; it sucks to lose this much information on an internet crash or single mouse click. Save this backup regularly.

Don't worry about grammatical perfection; this is purely for Storytellers and we're fluent in typo.

Have fun with this! You're going to be asked about your character's likes, dislikes, fears and goals (the questions will prompt). Your Storytellers will read through it all thoroughly, and return to you with any questions, confirmations, necessary edits and some back-and-forth to really cement your concept in this world. Please let them have time to go through it.

Storytellers may feel that some of your stat selections contradict your backstory or are inappropriate in combination for the setting. As such, we reserve the right to discuss these with you and ask for changes. Please respect the final decision of the STs. It's fine to ask us questions before filling this form out! It saves a lot of yours - and our - time. We don't bite. Cough.

You need to have sent in an OOC Contact Form (it's near the end of the Game Statement).

Do this now. Before this.

Design made with ♥ by Delia Drew, 2015.

Content © Copyright 2013-2016 Mind’s Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade & By Night Studios.